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Download Monografías A: El Documental Cinematográfico y Televisivo Contemporáneo : Memoria, Sujeto y Formación de la Identidad Democrática Española Volume 316 by Isabel M. Estrada in FB2, TXT


Este libro evala la aportacin del documental cinematogrfico y televisivo producido en Espaa a partir de los aos 90 al debate en torno a la memoria de la represin franquista, por un lado, as como a la construccin de la identidad democrtica, en trminos ms generales. Propongo que tanto los documentales con un enfoque histrico explcito como aquellos cuya mirada retrospectiva se realiza sin referentes tan concretos cuestionan el proyecto poltico teleolgico concebido durante la Transicin. La primera parte de mi estudio trata de la memoria histrica de la guerra civil especficamente y, la segunda, de la memoria en un sentido socioeconmico para apuntar el dficit de agencia del sujeto en la democracia neoliberal. En ltima instancia se reivindica la marginalidad social de la vctima a la vez que se deja al descubierto su obliteracin de los procesos democrticos. Isabel M. Estrada is Visiting Assistant Professor, Franklin & Marshall College. ENGLISH VERSION This book examines how a selected group of documentaries made since 1995 for both film and television inform the debate centered on the so-called "recuperation of memory" of the Spanish Civil War and dictatorship. Estrada contends that these documentaries modify Spanish identity as it was conceived by the teleological historical project of the transition. The narrative of mass media should be examined in order to comprehend the process of the "recovery of memory" that culminated in the Law of Historical Memory (2007). She carries out a comparative analysis of the visual discourse of the documentary and the narrative discourses of history and testimony, paying special attention to the relations of power among them. Using theoretical frameworks provided by Badiou, Adorno, Renov, and Ricoeur, this study ultimately sheds light on the status of the victim in the context of Spain's neoliberal democracy. Isabel M. Estrada is Visiting Assistant Professor, Franklin & Marshall College., Este libro evalua la aportacion del documental cinematografico y televisivo producido en Espana a partir de los anos 90 al debate en torno a la memoria de la represion franquista, por un lado, asi como a la construccion de la identidad democratica, en terminos mas generales. Propongo que tanto los documentales con un enfoque historico explicito como aquellos cuya mirada retrospectiva se realiza sin referentes tan concretos cuestionan el proyecto politico teleologico concebido durante la Transicion. La primera parte de mi estudio trata de la memoria historica de la guerra civil especificamente y, la segunda, de la memoria en un sentido socioeconomico para apuntar el deficit de agencia del sujeto en la democracia neoliberal. En ultima instancia se reivindica la marginalidad social de la victima a la vez que se deja al descubierto su obliteracion de los procesos democraticos. Isabel M. Estrada is Visiting Assistant Professor, Franklin & Marshall College. ENGLISH VERSION This book examines how a selected group of documentaries made since 1995 for both film and television inform the debate centered on the so-called "recuperation of memory" of the Spanish Civil War and dictatorship. Estrada contends that these documentaries modify Spanish identity as it was conceived by the teleological historical project of the transition. The narrative of mass media should be examined in order to comprehend the process of the "recovery of memory" that culminated in the Law of Historical Memory (2007). She carries out a comparative analysis of the visual discourse of the documentary and the narrative discourses of history and testimony, paying special attention to the relations of power among them. Using theoretical frameworks provided by Badiou, Adorno, Renov, and Ricoeur, this study ultimately sheds light on the status of the victim in the context of Spain's neoliberal democracy. Isabel M. Estrada is Visiting Assistant Professor, Franklin & Marshall College., Este libro evalua la aportacion del documental cinematogr�fico y televisivo producido en Espa�a a partir de los a�os 90 al debate en torno a la memoria de la represion franquista, por un lado, asi como a la construccion de la identidad democr�tica, en t�rminos m�s generales. Propongo que tanto los documentales con un enfoque historico explicito como aquellos cuya mirada retrospectiva se realiza sin referentes tan concretos cuestionan el proyecto politico teleologico concebido durante la Transicion. La primera parte de mi estudio trata de la memoria historica de la guerra civil especificamente y, la segunda, de la memoria en un sentido socioeconomico para apuntar el d�ficit de agencia del sujeto en la democracia neoliberal. En ultima instancia se reivindica la marginalidad social de la victima a la vez que se deja al descubierto su obliteracion de los procesos democr�ticos. Isabel M. Estrada is Visiting Assistant Professor, Franklin & Marshall College. ENGLISH VERSION This book examines how a selected group of documentaries made since 1995 for both film and television inform the debate centered on the so-called "recuperation of memory" of the Spanish Civil War and dictatorship. Estrada contends that these documentaries modify Spanish identity as it was conceived by the teleological historical project of the transition. The narrative of mass media should be examined in order to comprehend the process of the "recovery of memory" that culminated in the Law of Historical Memory (2007). She carries out a comparative analysis of the visual discourse of the documentary and the narrative discourses of history and testimony, paying special attention to the relations of power among them. Using theoretical frameworks provided by Badiou, Adorno, Renov, and Ricoeur, this study ultimately sheds light on the status of the victim in the context of Spain's neoliberal democracy. Isabel M. Estrada is Visiting Assistant Professor, Franklin & Marshall College., Este libro evalúa la aportación del documental cinematográfico y televisivo producido en España a partir de los años 90 al debate en torno a la memoria de la represión franquista, por un lado, así como a la construcción de la identidad democrática, en términos más generales. Propongo que tanto los documentales con un enfoque histórico explícito como aquellos cuya mirada retrospectiva se realiza sin referentes tan concretos cuestionan el proyecto político teleológico concebido durante la Transición. La primera parte de mi estudio trata de la memoria histórica de la guerra civil específicamente y, la segunda, de la memoria en un sentido socioeconómico para apuntar el déficit de agencia del sujeto en la democracia neoliberal. En última instancia se reivindica la marginalidad social de la víctima a la vez que se deja al descubierto su obliteración de los procesos democráticos. Isabel M. Estrada is Visiting Assistant Professor, Franklin & Marshall College. ENGLISH VERSION This book examines how a selected group of documentaries made since 1995 for both film and television inform the debate centered on the so-called "recuperation of memory" of the Spanish Civil War and dictatorship. Estrada contends that these documentaries modify Spanish identity as it was conceived by the teleological historical project of the transition. The narrative of mass media should be examined in order to comprehend the process of the "recovery of memory" that culminated in the Law of Historical Memory (2007). She carries out a comparative analysis of the visual discourse of the documentary and the narrative discourses of history and testimony, paying special attention to the relations of power among them. Using theoretical frameworks provided by Badiou, Adorno, Renov, and Ricoeur, this study ultimately sheds light on the status of the victim in the context of Spain's neoliberal democracy. Isabel M. Estrada is Visiting Assistant Professor, Franklin & Marshall College., Este libro eval�a la aportaci�n del documental cinematogr�fico y televisivo producido en Espa�a a partir de los a�os 90 al debate en torno a la memoria de la represi�n franquista, por un lado, as� como a la construcci�n de la identidad democr�tica, en t�rminos m�s generales. Propongo que tanto los documentales con un enfoque hist�rico expl�cito como aquellos cuya mirada retrospectiva se realiza sin referentes tan concretos cuestionan el proyecto pol�tico teleol�gico concebido durante la Transici�n. La primera parte de mi estudio trata de la memoria hist�rica de la guerra civil espec�ficamente y, la segunda, de la memoria en un sentido socioecon�mico para apuntar el d�ficit de agencia del sujeto en la democracia neoliberal. En �ltima instancia se reivindica la marginalidad social de la v�ctima a la vez que se deja al descubierto su obliteraci�n de los procesos democr�ticos. Isabel M. Estrada is Visiting Assistant Professor, Franklin & Marshall College. ENGLISH VERSION This book examines how a selected group of documentaries made since 1995 for both film and television inform the debate centered on the so-called "recuperation of memory" of the Spanish Civil War and dictatorship. Estrada contends that these documentaries modify Spanish identity as it was conceived by the teleological historical project of the transition. The narrative of mass media should be examined in order to comprehend the process of the "recovery of memory" that culminated in the Law of Historical Memory (2007). She carries out a comparative analysis of the visual discourse of the documentary and the narrative discourses of history and testimony, paying special attention to the relations of power among them. Using theoretical frameworks provided by Badiou, Adorno, Renov, and Ricoeur, this study ultimately sheds light on the status of the victim in the context of Spain's neoliberal democracy. Isabel M. Estrada is Visiting Assistant Professor, Franklin & Marshall College., This book examines how a selected group of documentaries made since 1995 for both film and television inform the debate centered on the so-called recuperation of memory of the Spanish Civil War and dictatorship.

Read book Monografías A: El Documental Cinematográfico y Televisivo Contemporáneo : Memoria, Sujeto y Formación de la Identidad Democrática Española Volume 316 TXT, DJV, FB2

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